Why NutriFit Line?

A one size fits all approach does not work! Genetic differences distinctly influence metabolic responses and must be taken into consideration when planning your personal nutrition goals.

By understanding your genetic predisposition to wrinkles, cellulite, and other skin conditions, you can eliminate, reduce, or delay symptoms and prolong your youthful appearance.

Sport & Recreation
Genetic factors do not only contribute to athletic performance but also to different workout results for different individuals.
Choose between:

Which analyses?
- Your Diet Type based on your genes
- 14 nutrition analyses (macro and micro nutrition)
- 4 metabolic properties analyses
- 4 sport analyses
- 2 lifestyle analyses
- 4 analyses related to cardiovascular health
- Nutritional charts

What is included in the package?

DNA Sample Kit
You will receive a box with instructions, return envelope and buccal swab to send us the saliva sample required for the analysis.

Upon your order you will receive the DNA Sample Kit with prepaid shipping service and after the lab analysis you will receive your results through our secure online portal.

Personal results report
Discover yourself and tune your lifestyle with the help of a user-friendly report with personal recommendations based on your genes.
How does it work?
All from home. No blood. No needles. Just rub a buccal swab against your cheek!
GenePlanet's DNA tests are user-friendly saliva-based tests.


Provide sample



Your personal results
Your analysis results will be delivered as a comprehensive and personalized guidebook:
Detailed explanation of each specific analysis
Graphic and textual presentation of your results
Personalised recommendations and advice
NutriFit Line
NutriFit represents an individually tailored diet advice and lifestyle plan according to your genes.
NutriFit represents an individually tailored diet advice and lifestyle plan according to your genes.